Thursday, May 24, 2007

We Make Life Hard! (Life Coaching)

Since time began, we humans has been taking the simplest things and complicating them to no end.
Even in the simpler days of yore, our complication or ignorance of life and who we really are led us into many dramas and wars which have not served humanity.
And in today’s increasingly complicated society, along with all of the added layers of pressure in our personal life’s, the ego is overwhelmed with a blitzkrieg of data that would drive a simpler being a little crazy.
So, I get back to the fundamentals of what it will take from me in order to discover who I really am! As a human, like all of the humans before me, I hold onto things from my past, (even past lives), and I make up stuff about what is happening in my present (and future).
The key to unlocking my soul is simple......................LET GO AND MAKE UP BETTER SH*&!! Now I know that sounds amazingly simple, but haven't we been making all of this a lot harder than we should!!
The act of letting go of the past is an extremely difficult process for most, and painful for some, but is a requirement for moving forward into the NOW! Because that which I can't let go off will eventually consume me.
This catharsis is sometimes a required step that must be repeated, as like the layers of an onion, the layers of my ego become harder to penetrate, (and stink a lot more) as I get closer to my soul. Now this process might be a little intimidating for some, but...............IF NOT NOW, WHEN!!!
And what would cause me to shrink away from what is possible for me if I just get off myself!!Only fear,.........fear of the unknown............fear of the pain..............fear of my greatness......................But love is stronger than fear.

I Love Myself so much that I would never sell out on my soul, or anyone else's again. I LOVE MYSELF SO MUCH THAT I AM WILLING TO TAKE A STAND TODAY!!!THIS PLANET NEEDS US ALL TO ATTAIN ENLIGHTENMENT IN THIS LIFETIME. If not me, then who...................?
So as we all undergo the painful catharsis that is part of the process of beginning the inward journey of enlightenment, know that sweet salvation and eternal bliss are the ultimate rewards.and remember this famous quote that I read in a book somewhere and have adapted a bit for THE NOW!
THE PAST IS HISTORY, THE FUTURE'S A MYSTERY, BUT THE PRESENT IS A GIFT................................................... THE UNIVERSE IS CONSTANTLY GIVING YOU GIFTS, ........................................SO IN THIS NOW DON'T WASTE THE GIFT'S THAT YOU ARE ..............................................................................LIVE WHILE YOU LIVE!!

For further information on how to simplify your life, contact niall at or his myspace page at or his online bookstore for free downloads at

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