Thursday, May 24, 2007

Chakras and the Law of Attraction (Life Coaching)

Chakras and the Law of Attraction
True Divine guidance never speaks in terms of blame, guilt, or whether someone is right, wrong, good, or bad. So, your angels always seek out win-win resolution to conflict. However, they may occasionally guide you away from a relationship and help you close the door on a friendship whose purpose has been served. {from my experiences it can be any relationship...even family} Ending a relationship can feel frightening to anyone, but for those on a spiritual path, this process can elicit, extra guilt. "I'm supposed to help people and be a loving person," you may worry. "Am I am abandoning my friend if I choose to spend less time with her?" The truth is that you may choose to spend less time with old friends, and more time with new people in your life. This does not mean you are judging, criticizing, or abandoning anyone. You are not being a snob or isolating yourself. You are simply allowing yourself to be guided to the spiritual law of attraction.We are attracted to people whose mind-sets mirror our own. It's a matter of common interests creating friendships. As your lifestyle shifts, you will naturally look for people with whom you have things in common. On an even deeper and metaphysical level, your mind set affects the energy centers in your body, which are called chakras. Each chakra corresponds to a different life issue. Whatever issue we spend the most time thinking about determines which of our chakras are stimulated. Then, as if by radar, we attract and are attracted to people with similar mind sets. The angels explain that the chakras send out energy waves that bounce back like a sonar system. When we meet someone with a similar energy pattern, their chakra system bounces back to us in a feel good way. We are then attracted to them and are pleasantly surprised to find we share mutual interests.For instance, if you think about money and security most of the time, your first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. Like a magnet, you will pull other people into your friendship circle who also have the money and security concerns.The second chakra, called the sacral chakra, is concerned with body issues. Issues that affect the third chakra, or solar plexus, include fears or obsessions about power and control. This chakra is housed in our midsection, behind our naval. If these issues are on our mind a lot, we draw people to us with similar mind sets.The three lower chakras are concerned with Earthly matters. The fourth, or heart charka, is the first set of chakras concerned with higher issues. Not coincidentally, the spiritually centered chakras are located higher up in the body. The heart chakra, located in the chest, concerns itself with love. Those who are working on love issues, such as forgiveness, compassion, and soulmate relationships, are called heart centered. They tend to attract other loving people into their lives. The fifth chakra, located in the Adam's apple area and called the throat chakra, is concerned with creative expression and communication. This is involved with artistic or teaching projects - particularly of a spiritual nature - invoke the energy of their throat chakra. This chakra especially stimulated by an integrity lifestyle, where you strive always have your words and actions match your inner truth. By concentrating on these issues, you pull like minded souls to you. The third eye is the sixth chakra, which centers around spiritual sight and visions. If you have been visualizing and meditating, or if you are naturally clairvoyant, this chakra is opened. You will draw people of similar spiritual interests and abilities into your life. The ear chakras, located just above the eyebrows on the left and right side, deal with listening to Spirit. Those who silently meditate and tune in to the messages of heaven have stimulated their ear chakras and tend to attract other listeners.On the inside of the top of the head is the crown chakra, which is activated when a person realizes we are all one with god and each other. A person with this mind set will naturally attract like minded souls who share the spiritual path. So, lets say that in the past, most of your thoughts were centered around Earthly matters such as money worries or sexual obsessions. your circle of friends shared similar beliefs. Then you had a spiritual awakening that led you to read meditate about Divine topics. In doing so, your primary chakra energy moved upward. So, instead of operating of your first (money related) or second (sex related) chakra, you began living from the fourth (love related) or fifth (truth related) chakra.As soon as this shift occurred, you would naturally lose the "pull" you once felt for people who live from the former chakra mind set. You will either begin to desire, or start to attract, people who share your focus. Through the law of attraction - as long as you hold a positive expectation - new, like minded friends will enter your life.

If you want more information on this and other subjects, check my website at, my myspace page at or my online bookstore at

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