Friday, May 25, 2007

Ego, Friend or Foe? (Life Coaching)

When we were younger, whatever we chose to blanket outselves in, to protect ourselves from our fears. seemed to be a close companion. A best friend, that never left our side and never let us down.
When we were younger that friend might have been imaginary, or it might have seemed real, but one thing is for certain, it served us well, then.
And as we grew older, that friend slowly grew into something different as our view of the world changed and our interactions with one another took on a more serious tone.

But why do we become so serious?
Why do we leave behind the wonder and amazement that was present in us as children?

That authentic being who was joyful, courageous, risking and beautiful. That bight light that lit up every room that we entered. That emotive soul who only knew how to be its highest self.

What has us build the walls around us in defense?
No, I think not.

Most likely it is a belief that something is going to harm us that creates a need for defense. And then, when this belief is strong enough, then we create ways of being that will re-inforce the walls that we have created around us.

Now, think about it. If we build it they will come. Rememeber that line from the move, 'Field of Dreams'. That is true, but what if it was true about what we are doing in our everyday lives?

The fact that we are building walls around ourselves in defense, and then once we build the walls, we have to have the armies to defend the walls. because 'if we build it they will come!'

So why do we build the walls?

First of all, as a child, we needed a protective set of beliefs to shield us from all of the imagined fears that the world entails.
After all, between our parents teaching us their fears, society teaching us its, and the school system and our peer groups influencing us with theirs; by the time we are in grade school, we have quite a few fears.

Think about it.

So either we have to invalidate everything that we are hearing, or we have to start building walls to protect ourselves from all of these imagined fears.

And what is fear?

Fear is: False Expectations Appearing Real!

False Expectations Appearing Real. Where did we get all of these fears from? Were we born with them? Who made them up in the first place? Why are we putting so much energy in them?

Is this what our Ego has allowed us to believe? Or are we willingly giving our power away to it beacuse we are either too lazy or afraid to confront these fears and have something authentically different happen?!

As we get older, what do we really want out of life?

Don't we all deep down, want to experience love and happiness?
And yet these walls that we have built are preventing us from connecting with the very thing that we say we want, Love!

Now I don't know about you, but that sounds a little crazy to me.
So maybe it is time to surrender the armies of Fear, and tear down the walls the Ego has created and allow the Love that is emanating from 'All That Is' to enter into our lives.

And in that space, allow Life to occur, and allow Love to occur and allow Joy to enter our heart!

If you are interested in receiving more information about the power of love, visit niall's website at, or his myspace page at His books on transformation are available at

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